Last week during our Friday morning assembly, several of our middle school students were introduced to the school community in their new leadership roles! Ms. McFarland first took the stage to introduce the DCD Student Council members, explaining that the Student Council is made up of two sixth graders, two seventh graders, and four 8th graders. Each student then took a moment to introduce themselves, sharing what they are excited to do this year as a student council member, including planning the middle school dances, orchestrating various fun events, and improving school spirit!
Mr. Nelson then introduced the DCD Student Ambassador Program, explaining that 8th grade student ambassadors share their own unique DCD stories and experiences to prospective DCD students when they visit and tour the school. He went on to emphasize that the process to become an ambassador entails many steps, including a one-on-one interview, as well working together to create standards that students agree to uphold, highlighting the great privilege and responsibility required by this leadership role. Our student ambassadors then took turns introducing themselves, sharing what this leadership opportunity means to them. Jenna Mashali emphasized that she wants to give back to her community; Maren Ouellette shared that she has been a student at DCD since Pre-K and wants to help new DCD students and parents; Lindy Tshuka expressed that she wants to share new ideas, and keep DCD as great as it is; and Lily Baumeister shared that she came to DCD in Pre-K, emphasized how important DCD is to her and her family, and that she loves talking about DCD to others!
Ms. Hultgren then introduced the Service Learning Ambassadors, and expressed that these ambassadors are voluntary roles, where students offer their own free time during five Friday afternoons planning on and off campus events, where they can share their interests and talents to help local organizations! Students then took turns introducing themselves and shared their favorite volunteering activity. Jasper Guan and Keira Velde both shared that their favorite volunteer opportunity is working with the Dedham Food Pantry; Ella Cocchi enjoys the Knitting Project; Katie Starmer loves volunteering at Hale Reservation; and Sanjana Hwang is excited to help teachers prepare activities for Culture Club!
Following these leadership role presentations, Head of School Allison Webster shared her thoughts on leadership with the school, encouraging lower school students to “take time to really notice what our DCD student leaders do in their leadership roles, because it won’t be long before you can take on one of these leadership roles!”
DCD inspires students to become caring, ethical members of the larger world by emphasizing thoughtful citizenship, and we are very proud of our student leaders at DCD!
2024-25 Student Council
Grade 8 Leaders:
Stella Wiesel
Avery Blume
David Shih
Dash Claflin
Grade 7:
Quincy Tyng
Jayan Patel
Grade 6:
Quinn Oullette
Emma Reisman
2023-24 DCD Student Ambassadors
Leila Acevedo
Kimaya Agrawal
Mae Barbuto Pelletreau
Lily Baumeister
Lily Kopitke
Aly Lief
Jenna Mashali
Maren Ouellette
Jake Rendall
Hadley Riordan
Madison Schneier
Weslie Schnitman
Dylan Shah
Shakthi Sorensen
Lindy Tshuka
Avery Wright
Isabella Wright
2023-24 Service Learning Ambassadors
Grade 8 Leaders:
Ella Cocchi
Keira Velde
Jasper Guan
Grade 7:
Katie Starmer
Sanjana Hwang