Last week, the importance of the digestive tract and the food we put into our bodies were major topics of discussion for both Grade 4 and Grade 6 students. Gastroenterology experts and DCD parents, Dr. Supriya Rao and Dr. Allen Hwang provided both groups of students with a deeper understanding of how a healthy digestive system operates, factors that can affect its function, and its connections to other parts of the body.
The doctor’s visit was very timely! Fourth graders are immersed in their unit on digestion, while sixth graders are beginning a focused study of the brain. As gastrointestinal specialists, Dr. Rao and Dr. Hwang have been deeply engaged in exploring the connection between gut health and brain function, and the role that lifestyle plays in overall health. Rather than simply repeating the old saying, “You are what you eat,” they illuminated the importance of maintaining a diverse array of healthy bacteria and consuming minimally processed foods to support the gut microbiome and, ultimately, brain health.
Continuing their exploration of the digestive tract, the Grade 4 students received an in-depth lesson on the critical role this complex system plays in the body. They learned about the components of the gastrointestinal tract and their respective functions. Students were amazed to discover that it can take 30 to 40 hours for food to be broken down, absorbed, distributed, and finally evacuated as waste. Drawing from their experience performing endoscopies and colonoscopies, Dr. Rao and Dr. Hwang showed the class what a healthy system looks like compared to the characteristics and implications of a diseased system.
The high volume of raised hands and the lively discussions that continued until the final moments of class are a testament to how much our students love and value visits from experts, especially those from the DCD community. A big thank you to Dr. Rao and Dr. Hwang for sharing your expertise and day with us!