Members of DCD’s Class of 2013 gathered around the DCD pool on August 15 for a chance to reconnect with each other and some DCD faculty, before heading off to college or their next adventures.
Nine alumni reminisced, ate pizza and watermelon, and talked about the future on a warm summer night at the school’s second annual “college send-off.” While some are getting ready to head off to colleges including Ithaca, Brown, Dartmouth, Connecticut College, and Wake Forest, two alums will be taking a gap year, including one who will be devoting the next year to public service as part of the City Year program.
Among those joining us for the event were parents of alumni Veronica Barros, Christine Chitkara, and Becky King, Head of School Allison Webster, fifth grade teacher Joanna Bemis, middle school history teacher and coach Dan Balk, Alumni Association President Erin Epker, and members of the Advancement office.
The Class of 2013 alums included Jayson Barros, Teddy Beaudoin, Charles Bemis, Brenna Chitkara, Shira Hornstein, Abby King, David Leder, Shay McQueenie, and Lindsey Quinlisk.
Good luck, everyone! Stay in touch.