From Pre-K to grade 8, DCD’s classrooms and halls were bursting at the seams as grandparents and special friends joined their loved ones for an opportunity to experience what it’s like to be a student at Dedham Country Day.
Armed with campus maps, class schedules and a whole lot of coffee and yummy snacks, our visitors moved from solving complicated equations in middle school math class to smoothing out the top of a rustic bench with fine grit sandpaper in the woodshop, to experiencing choice time in pre-k, to programming robots, to playing history bingo in 3rd grade. No matter where you looked, every nook, every cranny, every seat, was filled with engaged students, grandparents, and special friends connecting in joyful learning.
Thank you to all the grandparents and special friends who came from near and far to DCD and to all the parent volunteers who organized, guided, prepped food and helped with transport. It was a wonderful day for the youngest and the oldest members of the DCD community!
Click here for the full album of photos on Vidigami, DCD’s photo sharing system.