What do a tree, a dinosaur, a garbage can, a witch, and a hot dog all have in common? They all made an appearance at the DCD annual Halloween Parade and Assembly, of course! This year’s array of costumes did not disappoint the many onlookers who gathered in the Rand Gym this year.
New Head of School Allison Webster, dressed as a witch, presided over her first Halloween celebration as Ghoul in Chief. Following the Community Sing-a-Long led by a very witchy-green Susan Glaser, everyone was invited to join in the Celebration of Costumes. Pre-K, Kindergarten and first grade students sang a medley of spooky songs followed by an virtuoso performance of the traditional “Bump in the Night” by lower school students.
With the recent loss of our beloved colleague and teacher Mimi Harrington weighing heavy on everyone’s hearts, the return to song, dance, and laughter was a welcome interlude for both children and adults. This is what Mimi would have wanted her community to do — to rally, connect, and celebrate the special joys of the season.
Look to the right to see all the wonderfully costumed children and faculty who paraded through DCD’s halls this Halloween.
Photos are available for download on the Resource Board for DCD Families.