Recently, Dedham Country Day’s Lowell Center was packed with more than 180 teachers, administrators and parents, from both inside and outside our school community, who came to view this critically acclaimed film by Greg Whiteley.
Following the film, Peter Gow, Executive Director of the Independent Curriculum Group and DCD’s Head of School, Nick Thacher directed a lively and thought-provoking discussion. After witnessing a student’s journey through High Tech High, the audience found much to talk about and contemplate. Clearly the dialogue about how we approach education for children to succeed in our technological world and the 21st century will be ongoing and deep. If you were unable to see the film, you may find some of the links below a good way to join the conversation.
Behind the film is The Most Likely to Succeed organization. A visit to the MLTS site to the section called “Moving Forward”, provides some great resources for pushing the conversation further among parents and educators. Our own Head of School, Nick Thacher, shares his thoughts in a follow-up reflection of the film. Click here to download his article. If you were not able to see the film at DCD, the MLTS website has a listing of upcoming screenings in our area.